Being that I'm the guy who wrote the Cap Kit 101 doc, I'd say that as long as you
keep the fear level up on the dangers of discharge, you've done your job. When I
first started working on vids, no one had put the two things together, discharge
and cap kit install procedures. I got help from a few people at the time, mostly
with the wording and accuracy of the information. I had done the job a couple of
times, but I was afraid that people would get more hurt if I didn't write the
doc. I planned on a pictoral xersion, but I never finished it. Nice to see
someone has picked up wher I left off. I may still do the pictoral version.
"John St.Clair" wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I'm really really leery about putting
> this page up publically. Anyone else think I should just bag it?
> The reason I'm thinking of putting it up is because there are people
> building custom arcade cabinets who are mucking about with monitors who
> may be playing with fire if they don't discharge them. Catch 22.
> --- saint
> On Sun, 9 May 1999 wrote:
> > In a message dated 5/9/99 5:04:13 PM !!!First Boot!!!, writes:
> >
> > <<
> > >>
> > Wow that spinning skull is cool, hey the info is great too. The only thing
> > is I really wouldn't encourage people to do this. Hate to see people
> > flopping on the ground like a fish.
> >
> > Bill
> >
> >
-- ===================================================================== -= Al Warner =- -= Learn how to install a Cap Kit in your video game's monitor and =- -= see a whole lot more on my web page at: =- -= =- =====================================================================Received on Sun May 9 16:16:05 1999
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