-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Anderson <mayday19@idt.net>
To: 'vectorlist@mcfeeley.cc.utexas.edu' <vectorlist@mcfeeley.cc.utexas.edu>
Date: Sunday, May 09, 1999 9:50 PM
>You may want to add in a paragraph explaining that if you dont want as big
>of a spark let the monitor sit a couple hours or overnight before
>discharging it. G07s will usually lose most of their charge if they sit
>for a day or so, I've never gotten a spark from them after waiting.. I
>dunno if you want to add this in either, but the WG 610x color vector
>monitors automatically discharge the tube whenever they are off.. I've
>never gotten a spark from them even discharging them 1 min after being
>turned off.
Hi! I work with tv sets all the time (repair shop) and manufacurers make
flybacks 2 ways: with a bleeder resistor, and without. The withouts are the
ones that can hold HV for weeks sometimes, with a bleeder, hv goes to zero
within 1 minute!
A sure way to tell is this:if the tube crackles for 5-10 seconds AFTER the
power is turned off, the tube is discharging itself (WG vector monitors, and
all Sony tv's I have worked on) If it just turns off, with no crackle, you
have 20-30 kv on the tube...
all recent GE/RCA sets are like this-and the tube can stay charged a long
This crackle test is at least 95% positive, but I still clip a lead to the
outside of the tube and a screwdriver and "POP" the tube...I have not been
hit with 30Kv yet in 10 years, and am not looking forward to the first
Aaron Howald
Received on Mon May 10 02:30:29 1999
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