Well, after having been zapped by an Electrohome G07 before discharging it
and a G08 while it was on - I'd have to agree that you probably won't die,
but it will surprise you and probably cause you to break stuff. I
recommend *NEVER* using two hands when doing a discharge because there is
a chance that someone with heart problems could go into cardiac arrest if
a circuit were to be made across the chest. I also recommend *always*
using an insulated piece of metal such as a screw driver and have it
grounded to the chassis when discharging. Repeat after one minute. Then
take the screw driver and glide it around the anode cup. If you hear
static - discharge the tube again. If no static, then you're fine. I
haven't read the entire thread on this subject so I apologize if I've
repeated anything. Since my first encouters of getting shocked, I've
never had any problem or fear with discharging tubes.
Not having a highschool girlfriend is another issue. I have to laugh
because most of the guys in my highschool were very insecure about that -
so they would go out with *ANYONE* just to have a girlfriend. Some of
them were UUUUUUH-GLY. I waited until college as well, although I did go
out on a few dates including Melanie Good (from the Howard Stern movie)
once during high school. I got a few pats on the back about 12 years
later when I saw that movie with my friends. Imagine that...
Anyway - back to vector games......
> It must hurt a bit, but it's not guaranteed death to be hit with the discharge
> from a picture tube.
> There was a jock in my electronics class that used to show off by discharging
> TV's by holding one hand to the chassis and using the other to slip a piece of
> wire under the HV cap. What an idiot! But hey he did get a bit of attention!
> His best act was going next door to the auto shop and grabbing the ignition coil
> (also with a wire of something under the cap) and holding on until the car
> stalled.
> Pretty damned funny to watch! He only did the car thing a couple of times and
> while he laughed afterwards you can tell he was visibly shaken, he couldn't be
> talked into it anymore, well, after the *second* time.
> This guy wasn't even on the bell curve, he was hangin' on somewhere near the end
> of the clapper!
> And to think he got dates in high school and I didn't have a girl friend until I
> was twenty!
> But hey I'm not bitter! NOOOOO!!! I'm sure he's having a helluva good time
> pumping gas at an ARCO station for tips! (A little gas for you, a little sniff
> for me!) HA! HA! HA! HA! Yeah! Laugh up now funny boy! Want to stall my
> engine while pumping that gas! HA HA HA HA!!!
> ------------------
> Damn! Twenty years of therapy all thrown away in one email! Who says the net
> is a good place??!?
> -Zonn (giggling manically in the corner of the room in a fetal position)
> (For those who don't know me: The story of the jock is true. The bitterness is
> made up -- well for the most part... hee hee hee... :^D )
Received on Mon May 10 14:35:53 1999
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