In my never ending search to complete my Fluke test system, I have come
across a guy that says he has a number of logic probes for 9010A/9100A test
systems. He wants me to make an offer on one or more of them. Since I only
need one and it seems that everyone is getting into these systems, I thought
I'd ask if anyone else is interested in going in on this purchase with me?
(Quantity hopefully means better a price for all.) What I need to know is
how much you are willing to pay for a probe so I can make an appropriate
offer. Once I get a consensus on the price, I'll go ahead with the deal.
He also says that he has some POD's (Z80, 6502, 6809, 68000) that he is
asking $250 each for, but I might see if he's willing to deal on those too.
In any case, if you are interested in any of this stuff, drop me a message
and let me know what you are looking for and the price range you are looking
Received on Tue May 11 10:15:03 1999
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