> I'm pretty sure the paddle is divided into fourths.. I remember seeing
> a
> diagram somewhere, I think it was in the superbreakout manual. It
> had arrows that show which way the ball bounces off the paddle
> depending
> on which way it hit the paddle if I remember correctly..
Yes! DaveH send me the page from the manual-- it's exactly what I was
looking for. I think I actually have it coded right except I had my
paddle is divided into 6 "zones" instead of 4.
According to the manual:
"Angle of rebound is determined by which portion of the paddle that the
ball hits. The ball's angle of incidence is irrelevant." [The last
sentence was the part I really needed-- I had it coded this way once,
but it didn't "feel" right.]
"The angles of rebound become more perpendicular as ball speed
increases." [I had this part right-- you increase y_vel as the game
progresses-- makes it faster and 'more perpendicular' since the x delta
remains more or less the same.]
Thanks for the help everyone...
Received on Tue May 11 11:48:24 1999
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