I don't know if this has been suggested yet or not, but if not-- Did you
replace the metal "cage" cover on the HV unit? Supposedly there's
enough EMF kicking off the high-voltage transformer to cause image
Otherwise, I'd look for cold solder joints or possibly disconnect all
other AC powered "stuff" in the cabinet (in particular the marquee
light) and see if the problem goes away.
> ----------
> From: Jon Raiford[SMTP:raiford@mindspring.com]
> Reply To: vectorlist@mcfeeley.cc.utexas.edu
> Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 2:53 PM
> To: vectorlist@mcfeeley.cc.utexas.edu
> Subject: Re: Vector Monitor Problem - Please Help
> So have I stumped everyone? Or has my problem slid behind the pile
> of rubber wheels that nobody uses? :) My dilemma is this.. If I
> can fix this tempest monitor, I can send it as part of a deal
> instead of the original monitor from my Gravitar (its a long story).
> I'm just a lowly computer guy who can fumble his way through a
> cap kit, so I don't have the expertise to track this down.. Anyone
> want to make a few random guesses?
> Jon
> At 09:09 AM 5/10/99 -0400, you wrote:
> >I just recapped my WG 6101 monitor and installed an LV2000 and it
> >has a slight ripple to it. When I put it in my Tempest and brought
> >up the crosshatch, the 4th vertical bar from the right looks like
> >a sine wave instead of being straight. I admit I haven't looked
> >through the 80 page document on the WG monitors... It hurt my brain
> >trying to search through it for the problem. Also, I noticed there
> >are other part replacements that have been recommended, but I
> >haven't tried looking for them yet. Does anyone sell a kit with
> >all of them? Thanks for any insight..
> >
> >Jon
> >
> >
Received on Tue May 11 17:12:57 1999
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