> Boy is there ever an asortment of casters, in various load bearing
> capabilities -- and prices.
> Just how much DOES one of these things weigh anyway ? No need to make it
> much higher than I have to. Those cute 1" plastic ones would be
> unobtrusive, but they only hold 50 lbs each, and I think Centipede weighs
> more than 200 lbs.
The 2" ones are fine. Most of mine are 2" which are rated at 100lbs each.
You also want to look at the swivel- it needs to be strong
enough to not bend/fold up under the weight of the game when pushing on
something like carpet. Also, I just use 4 swivel casters- I never bother
with two fixed and two swivel- much easier to position the game.
Mine come from Northern Tool (www.northern-online.com)- the local
store will dicker on price when you buy a bunch ;)
Putting 4 casters on a game is in the $10-15 range.
--- Cris
Cristopher J. Rhea Mayo Foundation
Research Computing Facility Pavilion 2-25
crhea@Mayo.EDU Rochester, MN 55905
Fax: (507) 266-4486 (507) 284-0587
Received on Tue May 11 22:26:19 1999
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