Clay hit it on the head: After you have a few games, moving them around is a
real pain. A dolly is a great idea -- if you have the room to slide it out.
I generally use a handtruck, but you still have to slide it way from the
wall first to get behind it.
Someone asked "How often do you clean ?" -- I have a dog. He's mostly good
-- but every once in a while, if he's been home alone to long, the basement
is his bathroom. That 2 inches off the floor looks better and better.
And just 2 weeks ago my sewer backed up. With the dishwasher going, the
basement toilet overflowed, putting a nice layer of water on the whole
floor. Is the non-originality of the wheels offset by the possible
waterdamage ?
Hmm, I recall at both my high school and college seeing a permanent wheel
arangement for upright pianos. It's like an adjustable metal U bracked the
upright part sits in, with large casters then outboard of the piano. It even
has a level so the piano can be raised for moving, then lowered when it's in
place to play.
Better than the refrigerator wheels, because it can move in all
directions. The piano assembly is over kill for this, but I wonder if
something smaller is out there.
Chris Candreva -- -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester
Received on Wed May 12 17:41:39 1999
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