On May 12, 6:41pm, Christopher X. Candreva wrote:
> Subject: Re: Casters on games
> Clay hit it on the head: After you have a few games, moving them around is a
> real pain. A dolly is a great idea -- if you have the room to slide it out.
> I generally use a handtruck, but you still have to slide it way from the
> wall first to get behind it.
No, you don't. You can grab games just as easily from the front with a
properly padded dolly. I do it all the time, as do other collectors I know
(unless this is just a Chicago area thing...).
> Someone asked "How often do you clean ?" -- I have a dog. He's mostly good
> -- but every once in a while, if he's been home alone to long, the basement
> is his bathroom. That 2 inches off the floor looks better and better.
2 inches? You're dog must have a REAL bladder problem :-). You can adjust leg
levelers to nearly that height as well.
> And just 2 weeks ago my sewer backed up. With the dishwasher going, the
> basement toilet overflowed, putting a nice layer of water on the whole
> floor. Is the non-originality of the wheels offset by the possible
> waterdamage ?
Once again, if this is your concern, you can adjust the leg levelers higher,
but to really address the problem you should look into preventing disherwasher,
toilet overflows, etc (Or does everyone modify their basement furnature after
some flooding occurs??)
To each their own, I guess. For me, I think it would bug me to be playing
Lunar Lander and noticing the game roll back and forth when pushing the thrust
handle. As for having to move my games with a dolly, I suppose I'll just chalk
it up as good exercise for me :-)
Mark Jenison E-mail address: jenison@cig.mot.com
Cellular Infrastructure Group Motorola--Arlington Heights, IL
Received on Thu May 13 09:37:23 1999
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