> > Whew, yes. Now I can enjoy my weekend. I will think fondly of Exidy as
> > I crack open my first 'oatmeal stout' :-) :^) 8^) >->0
> Why am I not surprised that vector game lovers would also like good beer ?
And probably good acid, too. ;-) "Ooh, those tubes are *SOOO* cool
looking!" ;-) Rumor has it that the creator of Tempest claimed that the
idea of creatures coming out of a hole were "nightmares", but the
unofficial account is that it was lots 'o drugs.
-->Neil (the teatotaller)
Neil Bradley Synthcom home : http://www.synthcom.com
Synthcom Systems, Inc. '88 Turbo, '93 R-1, Piston free since 1987. Life begins
ICQ # 29402898 at 8000RPMs and continues until you blow an apex seal.
Received on Fri May 21 18:08:54 1999
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