Since your problem shows itself after 10-20 seconds, maybe the good old
freeze spray may be able to show you what is heating up and causing the
Dave Downin wrote:
> I'm trying to fix a semi-dead G05-801 monitor in an Asteroids. I do get a
> display, but it appears to be fluctuating and showing signs of blooming due to
> low HV. And my HV transformer starts squeeling after about 10-20 seconds of
> being on.
> I've got the following voltages:
> 90V line: 45V
> Focus: 120V
> G2: 43V
> I've checked all the diodes, and they appear to be good...but what exactly are
> D901 & D902 ... they are listed as VG 2X and are rather long for a diode. The
> manual simply lists them as "regulator". I couldn't find a cross for these
> diodes either.
> I replaced all the electrolytic caps (3 of them). And I've tested all the
> transistors (with the exception of the SCR). I've also checked all the
> resistors.
> I'm starting to suspect that I'm in need of a new HV transformer and/or that
> big voltage doubler. Is there any way I can tell for sure that I need a new
> transformer before going out and buying a new one? Also, were could I find a
> HV transformer for this monitor? BTW, visual inspection of the transformer
> doesn't show any cracks..
> --
> Dave Downin (
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