Actually I bet any HV diode from an old B&W monitor will work. Look in
the junk bins of your local TV shop or Sally Ann...
John :-#)#
Dave Downin wrote:
> Regarding a G05-801 with low HV, I do believe that the problem is either the
> flyback or the HV diode. I tried the suggested method of hitting the diode
> with freeze spray with no improvements, but I'm really not getting HV from the
> start (when I turn it on)'s just that the squeeling doesn't start until
> 10-20 seconds later.
> Is there any way to specifically test this diode or the HV transformer?
> I tried putting my meter on the diode test and checking it, but it showed
> open in both directions... but I am getting a display when I fire the
> thing up.
From what I've read, the HV transformer is hard to find. So I figure I'll try
> replacing the diode and hope that cures things. That is if there is a source
> of replacements for it. I've checked local electronics shops and couldn't
> find anything.
> The diode has the following markings:
> TSK-453-002
> 28-43-01
> 7945
> Anyone know where I can find this?
> --
> Dave Downin (
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-- John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9 Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games), web page "Old pinballers never die, they just flip out."Received on Wed May 26 01:06:33 1999
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