Also, if you play Tempest two-player, you have twice as many chances to
make it past the level needed to advance the starting level for the next
game. This is how one of my housemates attained the high score on my
So, then is there some sort of feeling that "real" high scores are those
obtained by starting from level 1 and playing until you're out of
lives?! Woah.
Clay Cowgill wrote:
> > It don't work that way, there's always a skill level that people top
> > out at.
> >
> > You can't "cheat" in Tempest by simply racking up credits.
> >
> Sure you can. If I start from the beginning of the game and play out
> the normal course of the game, let's say I make it to level 20 with
> 140,000 points (I don't know if that makes "real" sense or not, it's
> just a sample number).
> Now then, if I just start the next game at the highest starting level
> possible (maybe 19? I don't know the "rules" on that in Tempest) as long
> as I complete the wave I get a starting bonus of, say, 180,000 points.
> So right off the bat I'm 40,000 points higher than I can normally play
> to.
> Now I'm farther than I can normall make it to, but I've got a few lives
> left. As long as I can make it past a rack or two I can start my next
> game a level or two higher-- maybe level 22 with a completion bonus of
> 215,000 or something. As long as I can finish that one wave I get the
> bonus and a new high score-- fully 75,000 points above my "skill level",
> or almost better than half again what'd I'd get if I started at level 1
> (or 9).
> At some point I probably top out and can't get past a certain level
> because I lose all my lives before completing it, but I can still "run
> up" the points by essentially just playing for the starting bonus.
> It works-- I used to use it to knock my old roommate's scores off the
> list. ;-) (He was a much better player than I, but I could always shove
> him off the list by just playing for the bonus enough times.)
> -Clay
Received on Wed May 26 15:46:55 1999
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