> You can play all day with all the credits you want, but you still
> can't get a score past your skill level. Unless of course you allow
> editing of the EAROM.
Oh, please... (Donning holy-war battle armor...)
It's just a glorified "continue"-- the problem is that Atari didn't
reset the score to zero when the next player buys in.
You guys must be using some new definition of "skill level" that I'm
unfamiliar with. Let's say I play to level 23. Now let's have my 62
year old non-game-playing father step up to the plate and "buy in" at
the highest level possible. By using several lives and the super-zapper
he gets past the level and gets the big bonus. Even if he loses his
last guy immediately thereafter he still beats my score and gets his
initials above mine in the high score list. So he's the more "skilled"
player then?
High_score_list != skill_of_player
I'd argue that the to be a "high skill list" it would have to include
the number of consecutive racks played on one credit; or the number of
"lives" played per game; or the average time per rack; or hit
percentage, etc... Not just "I managed to get this many points and you
don't know how".
Thinking back to Al's example I should include EAROM editing just for
the sake of being able to enter a "beat this" challenge bar at a level
above what the players have currently been able to achieve...
Received on Wed May 26 16:56:05 1999
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