I don't want to be known as a coward. I know exactly what you mean Zonn.
I paid the dues. I think I spent more money playing tempest in the 80's then
I did to purchase the 9 tempests that I've owned (I'm down to just 2), BUT
my name was always at the top of the list and I even won $50 in a contest
for taking 1st place.
The only way to play tempest back then was to keep putting in quarters until
you couldn't advance beyond the current starting level, at which time you
just walk away and if somebody played right after you they would only be
able to start at the previous starting level and most of the time they
couldn't pass it, so they would drop down to the next level and there
wouldn't be a chance of them knocking off one of my top 10 high scores
(besides tempest only saves the top 3 when turned off)
So to secure you spot on the high score list, all you have to do is play 3
games where you pass your highest starting level and then play a 4th and not
make it. (at which time the game will drop back 9 levels)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: zonn@zonn.com [SMTP:zonn@zonn.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 7:41 PM
> To: vectorlist@mcfeeley.cc.utexas.edu
> Subject: Re: Tempest Multigame (behaviour)
> Yeah, what's up with that?? I *know* there are REAL :^) Tempest
> players on this list that know exactly what I'm talking about, who
> have dumped in the $100 in quarters minimum entry fee to be a good
> player.
> Ya bunch of cowards!!!
> You know who you are! And you know what I'm talking about!
> This is not a Clay .vs. Zonn thing, this is a Clay .vs. any long time
> Tempest player thing! ;^)
> Let's see, to quote Al: "MANY years ago I took a Tempest back to
> Milwaukee and left it with some friends with my high score. I said
> that anyone that could beat the score could have the game (it was set
> to free play). I ended up getting the game back a couple of years
> later with my high score still there!
> As Zonn said, it doesn't matter if it's on free play or not.."
> To quote Chris: "The better player (if everyone has a unlimited amount
> of quarters) will always win."
> To quote Paul: "<bowing to the Tempest master> even with unlimited
> coins, my machine has a high score of about 500,000 - I think I got to
> light blue... And remember a stock rev1 Tempest can give unlimited
> quarters even when it's not on free play :-)"
> I'm not stating an opinion, this is the way Tempest works, I'm only
> carry on this discussion with you to make the point that editing the
> EAROM *is* different than getting the score by legitimate means, and
> that someone that enters 700,000 might never be able to obtain that
> legitimately.
> And in reality I don't really care about what you "believe" to be true
> (Heavy rocks *must* fall faster than light rocks, it only makes
> sense!), you're just the damned engineer that has designed the
> multi-kits, so I *had* to try and talk you out of it! (Why couldn't
> someone like Al have designed this!?! ;^)
> Just send me the damned kits, any EAROM editing you can hack in, I can
> hack out!!! (And make the hack available to the REAL Tempest
> players!)
> Geeze!!
> ;^) ;^) ;^)
> ^ ^ ^
> (Be sure to see these, this post is *very* tongue in cheek, and I
> think the multi-kit is going to be way cool!)
> -Zonn
> (This is MY last response on the subject, and my damned check is in
> the mail!! ;^) hee. hee.)
Received on Thu May 27 00:13:15 1999
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