RE: Tempest Multigame (behaviour)

From: Keith, Brendan <>
Date: Thu May 27 1999 - 15:15:42 EDT

-----Original Message-----
From: []
>So now the "un-written rules" of the contribute to the skill-level of
>the player?

Sure! All games have un-written rules! Did you know in Pac-man in
order to get higher scores you must eat the ghost when they turn blue?
A good player might be able to just avoid things all day and eat dots,
but the one who knows the rules gets the high score.


Actually, Pac Man's rules are written. Right on the monitor glass
that I'm staring at now (it frames my computer monitor)

- Insert Coin
- Select 1 or 2 Players
- <pac icon> avoids <normal coloured ghost icons>
- ...... dots score 10 points
- 4 o flashing energizers score 50 points
- after energizing <pac icon> can attack <blue ghost icons>
- beware of flashing monsters which are about to change back to the
dangerous colors.

Oh, and my check is in the mail. Program it any way you want.
I assume the difference is in the ROM and if you make the different
versions of the binary available, those of us with burners can choose
our own.
Received on Thu May 27 14:13:37 1999

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