> Sure! All games have un-written rules! Did you know in Pac-man in
> order to get higher scores you must eat the ghost when they turn blue?
*sniff* *sniff*? What's that smell? Is that the smell of sarcasm in
the air? ;-)
> That just shows that a low score does not prove a bad player, not that
> a high score does not prove a good player, which in Tempest it does.
Stack overflow. Core dumped in Zonn tripple-negative parser.
> Did you know that you can kill the flipper as they flip? It's an
> unwritten rule, and if you don't know it, you are lacking in skill as
> a Tempest player.
That's not skill. Does the guy that pushes the "go" button an a CNC
milling machine that checkers a gunstock at 100 lines per inch have
better "skill" than the craftsman that carves 90 lines per inch by hand?
No. He has a "trick". Is the engineer that copies the design for an
amplifier out of a book more skilled than the engineer that can design
the circuit from scratch? No. Shortcuts again.
> Player B is better because he knows more about the game and has the
> "High Score".
He's got a higher score. If you get 255 lives in Sinistar and blow away
every high score on the machine as a result are you the most skilled?
If the next guy accidentally bumbles into the same bug and beats *your*
score is he more "skilled" because he has the high score now?
> >Yeah, yeah... and I suppose I got "unsubscribed" from vectorlist by
> >accident too... What do you know about SMTP Mr. Moore? ;-)
> This paragraph is the only reason I responded, just in case there's a
> tinge of doubt in your sarcasm. I'm not a vandictive guy and this
> whole thread is very funny to me!
I really was "un-subscribed"! Someone's hitting port 80...
"Dear ClayC@diamondmm.com:
Your recent message to the VECTORLIST list has been
rejected for the following reason:
Only list subscribers may send messages to this list."
Weird, eh?
> If we were in the same town I'd be having lunch with you, buying you a
> beer and arguing the whole thing over a hamburger. Better yet, we
> could fire up a Tempest and I'd show you what I mean!
Oh, yeah-- don't get me wrong. I'm not even wound up about it. Barely
a ripple on the old blood-pressure. ;-) I was joking about it with Al:
" I often wonder what would happen if Zonn and I ever got in the same
room together. Either we'd click immediately or we'd get in a fist
fight over what animal the stain in the carpet most resembles. ;-)"
(once again, totally kidding...)
> You can check my references: Al, Ray, Steve, Joe, etc. Anyone I've met
> that are also subscribers to Vectorlist, I'll stand by whatever they
> want to say about me.
> I've never met you, but just knowing you through your posts, I like
> you and would try to talk you *out* of unsubscribing!
Gads, enough! I'm totally cool with this. We're just "jousting"
so-to-speak. (Don't bring up the pterodactyl cheat!) Albeit it in a
definitavely nerdy way. ;-)
Just so everyone's one big happy family-- Zonn's in my top 5% of people
I trust on game stuff and technical issues and I hold him in highest
personal and professional regard. I'd buy him a beer if he were closer.
We're just being belligerent engineering nerds unwilling to abandon our
own personal lot of moral high-ground. (...and my sympathies go out to
him for having such a mis-guided and obviously erroneous belief...
*grin* hee-hee-hee! Parting shot! Run! ;-)
> If someone *really* tried to have you unsubscribed, my vote would be
> to have that person permanently banned from this list, no appeal.
> It's not like something like that happens by accident!
Yeah, it's kinda strange, but even if it was intentional it's kinda
no-harm-no-foul in my book. I just took it as an "enough already!"...
Received on Thu May 27 16:04:48 1999
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