>That would work. I was thinking of having it "secret" (like push left
>on joystick and press P2 start for a credit), but I like your idea
>rather a lot-- only "gotcha" is that the start button would have to be
>in series with the credit-maker because you need to apply the start
>button *after* the credits.
Well, yes and no. My original thought was to put it in series, but could it
be in parallel?
When the start switch is pressed there are no credits, so the game won't
start. Your board detects the release of the start button. You delay, toggle
the coin-switch relay, delay, toggle the start relay.
I also like Al's opto-isolator suggestion.
I would actually be interested in two for the $10 each price range for the
"push start" type. Possibly a couple more. I think there may be a good
market for something like this.
I'd probably make the cycle more like 750ms
>or so in case some games disable reading other inputs while a coin drop
>is being "debounced".
>If you intercept the "start" button you could also do something like a
>"press and hold" equals a coin drop (could have it auto-repeat like a
>keyboard too for multiple credits) and a "short press" sends the start
>signal (start).
>> (Uh oh.... could this be a new project?)
>If people think it's useful. I'd guestimate I could make and sell a
>"magic combination" credit-maker for about $8 with a relay output
>(basically the same as the reset adapter). The "push start for
>credit/game" credit-maker would probably be about $9-9.50. (figuring
>just adding a little 8-pin PIC with internal oscillator for about $1.25)
>Certainly do-able if people want it.
Received on Thu May 27 21:25:20 1999
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