> It doesn't matter how you define "cheat." Whether it is someone who
> sets the
> dips to demo mode and back or someone who buys in to continues the
> previously played game. It's irrelevent. The point is that a machine
> that
> has cheat-achieved high scores will be abused further with your
> utility. On
> a machine that has truly-achieved high scores, your utility will only
> serve
> as a temptation to "switch over to the dark side." :)
Wellllll... I kinda think you hit it on the head with who's using these
things. It's collectors. We generally are playing with our own "money"
in the games and they're just a fun thing. So, as part of being "fun" I
thought it would be cool to be able to edit the high-score list and save
your initials and your birthday as a high score; or spell out obscene
messages without having to play all day; or put in scoring "goals" to
beat; or replace your high-score when your EAROM dies; or if you pull a
brain-fart and erase the EAROM when screwing around with the self-test
I'm just making the gun. The choice to shoot paper or people is up to
you. ;-)
Really all the more I'm trying to do is cram as much "stuff" into the
product as possible so people feel they're getting their money's worth.
If two or three people use it and have fun-- cool. If not, no big deal.
The Multigame doesn't *need* a flashy menu system with animation and
color cycling, nor does it *need* a new game included-- I just put 'em
in there so it looks and feels more like a "commercial" product than a
garage-hack. The high-score editor was in the same spirit...
Since feedback has been generally against a high-score table editor it
I'm not going to do it though... Saves me the time writing the code,
and less testing to do. I don't want to come across as sounding pissy
about it-- I thought it was neat, but those that commented seem against
the idea, so I won't do it. No big deal. (The high-score/high-skill
debate was a separate issue. Besides, Zonn and I would probably argue
over the color of Post-It Notes just out of general principals.
"Sea-foam!" "Dusty-teal!" "Sea-Foam!" "Dusty-teal!" ;-)
Hmmmm, on the other hand, if I was an operator in the early 80's and
could edit the high score list... I'd have made $$$$'s off of entering
a new "higher" score every night for Zonn to try to beat the next day.
(Who the hell is this BUX guy and when the hell does he play this? ;-)
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