> ----------
> From: saint[SMTP:saint@speedhost.com]
> Well, not to spam this list, but I finally found it I think. It's now
> reachable via majordomo@warning.syslog.com (syslog.com by itself won't
> work) - Dunno when that changed. The web page for the list is gone too I
> think.
> --- saint
That server had a crash a couple of months ago. The subscription list was
so the owner posted a note to RGVAC that people should resubscribe.
The standard footer in that list is:
| Posted to the Arcade Enthusiasts Mailing List |
| Webpage: http://www.syslog.com/arcade/ Help: arcade-request_at_syslog.com |
| To subscribe or unsubscribe from the list, visit the URL listed above |
Use it at your convenience.
Brendan Keith
Received on Tue Jun 8 08:21:26 1999
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