> >Yeah, I keep coming back to "I know enough to be dangerous" so I'm
> inclined
> >to leach as much as possible from existing designs. (In particular I was
> >just thinking to use the WG6100 HV design but with GO-7 parts and more
> >common HOTs for the boost...)
> That's exactly what I was thinking!
Whoa. Will the clerk please make a note-- Zonn and Clay are agreeing on a
design idea... ;-)
> I'll bet it would work just fine (though I might want to replace that
> three stage transistor error amp with an op-amp and a hefty
> darlington. I was going to look into using the classic 723 regulator
> since it has a built in voltage reference.)
Go for it! If you can get something working I'll look into getting some
single-sided phenolic PCB's done-- see how much that costs. I have a good
source for snazzy heatsinks for cheap too... Might be worth glancing at a
little power op-amp like the L165 or LM675. They're readily available in
surplus now for about $1 a pop. Nice TO-220 package-- maybe up to 3A out?
Received on Wed Jun 9 20:11:44 1999
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