Re: Ampliphone HV-other options?!

From: Zonn <>
Date: Thu Jun 10 1999 - 19:18:31 EDT

On Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:58:35 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>"Anyways we struck out there. The flybacks' primaries are designed for
>123v. It looks like most all the raster monitors run of this voltage.
>I was going to mention this...
>It might actually still work, though, at lower voltages since the
>primary should be designed for pretty hefty currents because of
>the requirements of the horizontal deflection coil.

But you got the same old Ohms law problem, not to mention standard
transformer stuff.

In order to achieve the full voltage out of the transformer we need to
put in the proper voltage, it's all based on the number of windings.

And to get more current into the transformer we have to increase the
voltage. We can't turn the transistor on any more than it already is
(it's all ready being used as a switch), so the voltage has to be
increased. I = E / R. Where E = volts (ok more specifically
Electromotive Force, so I've been told -- yeah, whatever.), and I =
Current (I have no idea where 'I' came from), and R = Resistance (I
think I understand 'R').

Received on Thu Jun 10 18:18:19 1999

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