RE: Where's everyone going?

From: Doug Jefferys <>
Date: Thu Jun 24 1999 - 16:55:46 EDT

On Thu, 24 Jun 1999, Clay Cowgill wrote:
> >
> > I've got some thinking to do, I guess. Is CA Extreme
> > still going to feature the Zonn/Clay Tempest shoot-out?
> > That COULD be a decision maker.
> >
> be followed by inebriated accusations of cheating and a drunken-nerds
> brawl. An encore of "my Atari 800 kicks your Commodore 64's ass" will
> accompany the performance. ;-)

And this is bad because... why? :-)

ObVector: For the first time in living memory, a fuse did its job - namely
protecting non-fuses. Seems a bad +5V pin on a board managed to peel away
and short itself to ground. Scratch, no, not one board or flaming
resistor of death on the audio/reg, but one 20A 32V fuse on the
transformer assembly that protects the 10.3VDC to the audio/reg board.
A quick check (with the only 32V fuse I had handy - a 7A fuse) revealed
the board and A/R stuff completely unharmed. The fuse died a quick death
about a minute later, and I placed the order for the proper replacement.
Nice to know that the replacement fuses will fix the problem, though.


 dougj   |
   @     | |
Received on Thu Jun 24 15:55:58 1999

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