Check this pic of a Space Fury cocktail. It could be better but at least it
you a start.
Hi all,
I'm working on restoring a Space Fury cocktail and have a few
- The coin box door for mine is missing. Can someone either explain what it
looks like or how it works, or send me detailed pictures of one? It looks like
I'll have to have one fabricated.
- The top glass was shattered :-(, so if someone has a picture of what either
Eliminators or Space Fury's top glass looks like, please send it my way. Is
the top glass a rectangle, or does the glass jut in around the control panel
- If anyone has any artwork scans of the Space Fury cocktail artwork, please
let me know.
- Does anyone have a Sega/Gremlin vector cocktail manual? Specific game is not
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