> I'm working on restoring a Space Fury cocktail and have a few
> questions/requests.
> - The coin box door for mine is missing. Can someone either explain what it
> looks like or how it works, or send me detailed pictures of one? It looks like
> I'll have to have one fabricated.
I can probably get pics. Ive had an itch to fix the monitor in mine..
> - The top glass was shattered :-(, so if someone has a picture of what either
> Eliminators or Space Fury's top glass looks like, please send it my way. Is
> the top glass a rectangle, or does the glass jut in around the control panel
> areas?
Its pretty thin so I can see why this happens so often. I guess ops are
used to being able to stack Atari CTs 3 high without the glass breaking.
Its rectangular, but the corners are cut at 45 degrees. The glass is
painted black except where the cards and the control panel "windows" are.
> - If anyone has any artwork scans of the Space Fury cocktail artwork, please
> let me know.
I just scanned in mine.. The card uses floursecent inks so some of the
highlights dont show too well, but its a start. I'm gonna upload it in a
couple mins.. I have crappy software that wont crop properly so you'll
have to clean it up yourself.. Maybe someone could do this and then upload
it to spies or something..
> - Does anyone have a Sega/Gremlin vector cocktail manual? Specific game is not
> important.
not me :<
Received on Wed Jun 30 14:59:34 1999
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