Re: [arcade] rotating monitors frequently (fwd)

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Mon Jul 12 1999 - 16:13:15 EDT

> Well, after a couple days of no response on the arcade list, I thought I'd
> fire this off to the vectorlist. Showing my ignorance, I don't know if
> this is on topic for vectorlist or not, as I don't know if vector and
> raster monitors have the same factors to consider when you rotate them.

If you're talking about the standard VGA style monitors, the only thing
you have to worry about is heat dissapation(sp?). Some monitors don't have
adequate heating vents on the sides which make the monitor run hotter. Of
course if you aren't using a monitor surround then you're OK regardless.

And no, it won't damage your monitor. Degaussing will address the color
bleed issue.


Neil Bradley Synthcom home :
Synthcom Systems, Inc. Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence on your
ICQ # 29402898 computer!
Received on Mon Jul 12 15:01:24 1999

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