Tempest Multigame Shipping update

From: Clay Cowgill <ClayC_at_diamondmm.com>
Date: Fri Jul 16 1999 - 12:27:03 EDT

Hi everyone,

Just a quickie update. At this point it's easiest to list the Tempest
Multigames that HAVE NOT yet shipped:

KurtM (ship with Tek stuff)
ChrisM (ship with sega stuff)
ToddM (ship with Pac RAM)
ChrisC (ship with sega stuff)
aek (late as usual ;-)

Everyone else has already shipped or is shipping today. I'm traveling next
Friday, so I'll have a short week to get the last batch out. I suspect I'll
get down to Kurt's name on the list, but I might make it farther.

Thanks for being patient,
Received on Fri Jul 16 11:27:18 1999

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