RE: Windows question

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Thu Jul 22 1999 - 13:40:17 EDT

> which now I can see introduced a precedence problem (0xf8 != VERSION)
> the moral of the story is "double check your macros"

And two additional morals:

* Parenthesize *EVERYTHING* when you're writing a macro
* When in doubt, parenthesize

Bugs like this can lay dormant for eons, and are REALLY nasty to find.
Here's another good one:

#define DO_SOMETHING(x) x = y; y=2; y =x;


        if (blah)

I now religiously put braces on all if statements even if there's only one
line of code beyond it, and I always put braces around blocks of code
defined by macros.


Neil Bradley Synthcom home :
Synthcom Systems, Inc. Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence on your
ICQ # 29402898 computer!
Received on Thu Jul 22 12:26:28 1999

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