A little special if anyone is interested, I've got 10 Tempest sets, they
are complete as far as board go. 5 or so are missing all socketed devices,
others partially complete. I've messed with some of them, and they vary from
game sounds, but no video to totally locked, others watchdoging.. So they
are all projects that the Vector list community can resurrect... All boards
pretty clean, I picked up a bunch of these awhile ago, and I was able to
repair 7 of them, these 10 are whats left of the origional 20.
With that, I'd like to dump the lot with out screwing around with ebay. If
anyone is interested in the whole lot, $300, that $30 each for the math
impaired ;-) Plus $8 shipping...
Received on Sun Aug 1 11:28:13 1999
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