Anyone know what a Vari-Tracker is?

From: <>
Date: Tue Aug 03 1999 - 14:17:01 EDT

Hey All,

        Some time back, I borrowed an XY/Raster pattern generator from
Zonn and Gaymond with the hope of eventually reproing it.

        The thing that this thing does is to function as something
called a "Varitracker." I have no idea what a varitracker is, nor
do I have any docs for this thing, which was made by Hickok. I think
Hickok is still around making Auto. test equipment, but I'm not optimistic
about the response I'd get from them if I asked for docs, etc.

        My reason for caring about all this is that I'm pretty sure that
a good deal of the logic on the board is used for these Varitracker
functions, and I'm curious to find out if these Varitracker modes are
useful for anything.

        Anyone hear of anything like this?

Received on Tue Aug 3 13:17:05 1999

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