RE: Aztarac emulated

From: Todd Miller <>
Date: Mon Aug 09 1999 - 09:06:43 EDT

How about a URL to MAME and or ROM images ? I stopped following
because the sites never stayed around long enough. I'm still running

On another note, I installed the Tempest Multi-game/reset card this
weekend...Excellent job Clay ! Very Cool! My wife, who never was
much of a vector fan, really does love playing Vector Breakout.

Todd Miller, LAN Administrator
Ron Weber and Associates
103 E. State Street, Mason City, IA 50401
(515)423-4293/(515)423-4594 FAX

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Fish, David []
        Sent: Monday, August 09, 1999 7:49 AM
        To: ''
        Subject: RE: Aztarac emulated

         I was allowed to play with this last week (Thanks again
         Mathis!). I thought it was so cool to see this emulated
         One thing tho', It's VERY tough to play using the PC controls
        (mouse and KB). I haven't made it through the second wave
        yet! I suppose it takes a little more practice. Anyway, GREAT
        WORK Mathis.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ray Ghanbari []
> Sent: Sunday, August 08, 1999 1:02 PM
> To: Vectorlist@Mcfeeley. Cc. Utexas. Edu
> Subject: Aztarac emulated
> Folks,
> For those of us that thought we would never actually see the
game play for
> Aztarac, the latest beta for MAME has added support for the
game. They're
> on a vector run: the last version added support for Cosmic
> Of course, MAME still hasn't gotten around to the rarest
vector game out
> there: V-Breakout (production run of less than 20, right Clay?
> Ray
Received on Mon Aug 9 08:05:39 1999

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