> From: Christopher X. Candreva[SMTP:chris@westnet.com]
> Sent: Monday, August 09, 1999 8:59 AM
> On Mon, 9 Aug 1999, Clay Cowgill wrote:
> > Hee-hee... That's pretty good. I hadn't thought of that before. I
> > actually gave an early version of V-Breakout to Neil for Retrocade, but
> I
> > don't know how far he got (or if he even had a chance to look at it).
> If it runs on Tempest hardware, should one just be able to drop it in as a
> set of Tempest ROMs ?
Yes, that would actually work. It uses a stock Tempest VROM (I download all
my new graphics from the program area into VRAM), and the code lives in the
same memory map as Tempest. I have a custom version of MAME that I use for
development which (among other things) uses a single 64K ROM image, but it
would be possible to chunk the image into separate Tempest ROMs, name them
the same as Tempest ROM images from MAME, and just run it. MAME will bitch
that it doesn't think the ROM checksums are right, but it should work...
(While I've got you Chris, I built your and ChrisM's Sega Multigames this
weekend. Hopefully I'll get a shot at the ST boards this week and get
everything shipped Friday.)
Received on Mon Aug 9 12:00:31 1999
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