Re: Trouble with Space Wars Monitor

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Wed Aug 11 1999 - 12:02:52 EDT


Sorry to shout but that is a definite no-no.

You have checked your voltages, I see. This should be popping the circuit
breakers at this point.

Sorry I don't have time right now to help, but go to the Vectorlist archives
@ and do a search, should be help
there...this has been covered before...

John :-#)#

At 10:38 AM 8/11/99 -0400, you wrote:
>I'll try to sum up my problem as clearly as possible, this is my first X-Y
>monitor game, so I'm new at this:
>Currently, the monitor only displays the upper left quadrant on the screen.
>All of the power transistors (Q110, Q111, Q210, Q211) check out OK when
>tested with a diode tester. If I run the monitor with the power transistors
>disconnected, I get a nice little rectangle in the middle of the screen. If
>I run the monitor with the vertical power transistors disconnected and the
>horizontal power transistors connected, I get a longer rectangle centered
>horizontally from the middle to the left edge of the screen. If I run the
>monitor with the horizontal PT's disconnected and the vertical PT's
>connected, I only get the small rectangle in the middle of the screen (I
>expected to get a narrow rectangle, centered vertically, from the middle to
>the top edge?) Also, R219 keeps burning out.
>Here's a history of my assorted repairs from the past:
>It started with a vertical deflection problem where the monitor was only
>displaying the top half of the screen. I replaced Q111 (with a used 2N5876)
>and powered the game up. Shortly after powering the game up (about 10
>seconds) R119 burned out.
>I then decided to check / replace most of the transistors. I replaced Q110,
>Q111, Q210, Q211 (using NTE219 as replacements for 2N5876), and checked out
>the following transistors using the diode tester: Q108, Q109, Q106, Q107*,
>Q104, Q105, and Q208, Q209, Q206**, Q207, Q204, Q205. * I replace Q107, it
>was bad. ** I replaced Q206 with the correct transistor (it was a 2N2102
>and the schematic shows it as a 2N3904.)
>I've also checked the following: the bank of 5 diodes on both the horizontal
>and vertical circuits, R116 and R216, R124 through R129, R224 through 229,
>the +/- 25 VDC, and checked to see that I had 30 Volts DC across pins 7 and
>4 of one of the TL081's. Oh, one more thing, I checked to make sure that
>the power transistors were isolated from the heat sinks (I though I might
>have accidentally grounded one when I replaced them.)
>I'm sure there's something really basic I'm failing to do or check, but I'm
>sort of at my limit here.
>Any support, suggestions, or condolences would be greatly appreciated.
>Thank you,
>Chris Marlowe

  John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9
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Received on Wed Aug 11 11:09:35 1999

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