Al's USA tour - part II

From: Ozdemir, Steven S, GOVMK <>
Date: Tue Aug 31 1999 - 10:21:20 EDT

G'day folks,

Perhaps we could formalize things a bit more and announce conc...tour dates?
Sounds like the first stop will be in SLC? I imagine Rick Schieve's
basement will follow a few days later. 8^) 8^) 8^)

Al's always welcome down here in Santa Barbara!

                Steve Ozdemir

ps - I thought Kurt just had dealings in CA, but hadn't moved yet. He still
resists the force...ask Doug J "the force" convinces people to move to CA.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jess Askey []
Sent: Monday, August 30, 1999 9:52 PM
Subject: Re: a little more cine history

Kurt Mahan wrote:
> >
> > "Are you going to WI again?"
> >
> > Yes, I'll try to remember to bring the Joust II board set for you.
> And are you winding through SLC?

I thought you were out in CA somewhere? Did you move? Maybe it is just the
(again). I get over to SLC every now and again just because it is so much
cheaper than flying out of Denver.
Received on Tue Aug 31 09:22:12 1999

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