On Sep 2, 9:16am, Jess Askey wrote:
> Subject: Re: Revisited: Sega XY freeplay
> Mark Jenison wrote:
> > I'm not trying to do anything...I'm trying to get someone else to do it
;-). I
> > don't have an EPROM burner (or a computer to run it). I don't really care
> > about the other Sega XY games, but Eliminator 4-player is giving me
> > in particular. If someone could make the simple patch that David F/Jess A
> > mentioned, I would be willing to compensate them in some way.
> I will be happy to try and change a few bits for you but it will probably be
> around expo time before I can bring it out to you. But if someone more
> wants to do it instead just yell and I will drop it.
> But mark.. what are you trying to do? In other words, why do you need this
I summed up my problem once before, but I will try and re-explain it:
I didn't want to modify the cabinet externally, so I put credit switches (leaf
style) behind the coin eject buttons on each coin door on each side. So for a
player to join, they would simply have to press a coin eject button.
The problem is that Sega's coining timing is sooo picky on E4, that you have to
time it just right. While I have picked up on this myself, trying to explain
it to a bunch of people (who've usually been drinking, which doesn't help any
:-)) isn't always easy, and so there is 3 other people punching in the coin
eject buttons. Whenever one of them get's it incorrectly, it temporarily locks
up the CPU, and anyone else trying to credit during that time fails and their
attempts are voided. So you got a bunch of people screwing up, which locks out
everyone else, and then, well, it's a mess. Rick Schieve's E4 set up also
experiences the same problem as mine.
If the crediting logic were less pickly, likely any brief contact would result
in a successfuly credit, which I think even my friends may be able to achieve
If you stop by during Pinball Expo 99, you'll understand what I mean.
> >
> > As far as Pinball Expo, I'll be around for that. And an open invite to
> > wants to stop by a play a few games :-).
> Im going to try and show up wednesday evening for the expo this year. We can
all meet
> at marks house now!!! ;-)
If you're coming Wednesday, you'll probably want to go Rick Schieve's pinball
party instead. He always has it on the Wednesday before the expo.
> I will have lots of games to prep there this year and lots of friends to
visit. Does
> anyone know Dan Janko of Chicago?
Name rings a bell, but I don't know him personally.
Mark Jenison E-mail address: jenison@cig.mot.com
Cellular Infrastructure Group Motorola--Arlington Heights, IL
Received on Thu Sep 2 10:36:43 1999
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