RE: Free Games In colorado Springs...

From: jeff hendrix <jhendrix_at_Quark.Com>
Date: Thu Sep 02 1999 - 12:07:24 EDT

He has an afterburner, cocktail track and field and a few others (5 videos
total), as well as a jukebox and a bowling game.
He says you have to pick them up today and while I was talking to him,
someone showed up to pick up stuff.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jess Askey []
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 1999 10:33 AM
Subject: Free Games In colorado Springs...

Gilbert Sanchez has a storage area full of video, bowler and jukeboxes. He
is giving
games away free this afternoon (he has to get them all out of there). Now,
don't get
too excited, there probably aren't any Major Havocs or tempests (im guessing
they are
all mediocre raster games) but hey, they are free. Fix em up, sell em on
ebay, make an
interesting art deco peice, whatever. You can call him at 303-807-5469 right
now on
his cellular for a list of games/stuff that is there.
  have fun!!!

Jess Askey wrote:
> Mark Jenison wrote:
> > I'm not trying to do anything...I'm trying to get someone else to do it
;-). I
> > don't have an EPROM burner (or a computer to run it). I don't really
> > about the other Sega XY games, but Eliminator 4-player is giving me
> > in particular. If someone could make the simple patch that David F/Jess
> > mentioned, I would be willing to compensate them in some way.
> I will be happy to try and change a few bits for you but it will probably
> around expo time before I can bring it out to you. But if someone more
> wants to do it instead just yell and I will drop it.
> But mark.. what are you trying to do? In other words, why do you need
this changed?
> >
> > As far as Pinball Expo, I'll be around for that. And an open invite to
> > wants to stop by a play a few games :-).
> Im going to try and show up wednesday evening for the expo this year. We
can all meet
> at marks house now!!! ;-)
> I will have lots of games to prep there this year and lots of friends to
visit. Does
> anyone know Dan Janko of Chicago?
Received on Thu Sep 2 11:08:55 1999

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