RE: Quantum trackball

From: jeff hendrix <jhendrix_at_Quark.Com>
Date: Mon Sep 13 1999 - 17:06:30 EDT

a quantum control panel goes up underneath the monitor glass so you have
more room to use the trackball.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ozdemir, Steven S, GOVMK []
Sent: Monday, September 13, 1999 3:15 PM
Subject: Quantum trackball

G'day folks,

I ended up playing with my Quantum board again this weekend. I've put it in
my Space Duel cabinet and wired up both a custom control panel and "SD
wiring harness to Quantum PCB" adapter.

Playing Quantum on my horizontal Space Duel XY monitor required that I
switch X and Y on that PCB adapter. Unfortunately, the YSIZE pot won't
shrink the image enough to show both the score at the top of the screen and
the credits at the bottom of the screen. I did end up cutting the XINVERT
trace (before 10E) going to the vector section and tying it to +5V with a 1K
resistor to fix the reversed screen.

Lastly, Quantum couldn't have used a midi trackball in Space Duel style
control panel. I keep jamming my fingers against the front of the control
panel as I play. Did Quantum use a mini trackball, or perhaps a thicker
control panel so that the trackball could be positioned closer to the bottom
of the control panel? (I don't have any more room to move my midi trackball
lower on the control panel unfortunately.)

                Steve Ozdemir

ps - Didn't have much luck setting the game to free play? Tried all
combinations of both dipswitch's switch 7 and 8.
Received on Mon Sep 13 16:08:11 1999

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