Re: Amplifone tube.

From: James Nelson <>
Date: Sun Oct 10 1999 - 08:20:57 EDT

With all those bad tubes and yokes you're cutting the wires on, there must
be a few extra yokes lying around. Can you ship me a couple? I'm working
on a project where I want be able to re-wind yokes, and have a fresh board
to be able to put into a non-vector chassis, and Yipee have a vector
monitor. I know you must have heard this one every 3 months, but with some
emotional support, this can be done. I have excellent technical support
being I work with a bunch of brains at

----- Original Message -----
From: Gregg Woodcock <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 1999 2:40 AM
Subject: Re: Amplifone tube.

> >
> >I found a guy with an Amplifone tube and yoke out of a Star Wars. I have
> >idea of it's functioning condition, but it has only the tiniest of
> >center-hole burn and no other burn-in (that I noticed).
> >
> >Can this be used in a WG6100 chasis? Would I need Clay's display
> >to run it in a Tempest? Would I still need the display corrector if I was
> >using a Major Havoc board to drive it?
> Yes; this is what I have been doing with the tubes I run across. The
> picture is AMAZING with this tube in a W-G and the display correction is
> the yoke/tube; not in the monitor PCBs so everything looks the same on the
> picture is if it were the Amplifone PCBs. The only tiny problem is the
> corner of the HV unit actually touches the tube as the tube sticks farther
> back! The yoke wire needs NO MOD; it just plugs right in (don't let the
> wire color mismatch fool you). The yoke connector is different and I have
> been taking the tube connector off dead W-G monitors (lots of different
> models used the same one) and carefully removing the Amplifone one and
> transplanting the W-G one. Another more hack solution is to transplant
> yoke connector of the Amplifone onto the W-G neck board.
Received on Sun Oct 10 07:29:12 1999

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