RE: 720 -> MH conversion possible?

From: jeff hendrix <jhendrix_at_Quark.Com>
Date: Wed Oct 13 1999 - 00:56:21 EDT

I've been in the process (for the last 2 years) of putting a monitor from a
720 into my star wars cockpit. I did an ohm meter check across all
combination of pins on the 720 monitor and they exactly match that of the
amplifone tube. (that doesn't guarantee that they are the same, but nothing
stood out as being definitely different).
I put an amplifone yoke on it and I'm now just waiting for the day that I
dig my cockpit out from the back of the garage.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Raiford []
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 1999 9:49 PM
Subject: 720 -> MH conversion possible?

After trying without success to find the model monitor used in
720, I've started thinking about how cool it would be to just
convert this thing into a Major Havoc. The cabinet shape is
similar (although it would need to be painted black) and I do
have a spare roller controller to put on it. Since the tube is
med res, would I be able to slap an amplifone yoke on it
and run it as an amplifone? I guess either way I'll have to
find out the type of monitor so I can get the pinouts on the
tube. Anyway, does this sound like a workable project? Also,
would this be crossing the "dont convert a dedicated game" line?
All thoughts are appreciated..

Received on Tue Oct 12 23:57:36 1999

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