Re: Space Duel Power Supply -- Part II

From: Christopher X. Candreva <>
Date: Fri Oct 15 1999 - 00:28:18 EDT

On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Mitchell Rohde wrote:

> I'm not looking at the supply schematic, but a diode on the output of a
> regulation circuit is intended to protect it from back-spikes ....
> quick changes in load/inductances can create harmful spikes that can
> damage regulators. Does the diode go between the output and a
> cap/ground...?

There's a 1uf electrolytic in parallel with the diode, both from +15 to
ground. I guess what's confusing me is I'm used to seeing clamping diodes
directly on high back EMF devices -- motors, coils, even chips, not at
the supply itself.

> oh, and to replace it -- PIV = peak inverse voltage. It's the amount the
> diode can stand before it dies -- NOT to be confused with forward bias
> voltage. You can use any diode with a HIGHER PIV, but not lower... if the
> orig was 100 PIV, go down to RAT shack and get a diode with 100+ PIV --
> many go 200, 300, etc. The diode there is non critical in almost every
> spec except PIV :)

That's what I'm looking for -- that any run of the mill 1n400x will do, or
if this 1n100 was higher speed or something. Discussions on the list before
have said NOT to just replace a diode with a 1n400x. Maybe the 100 was just

Thanks !


Chris Candreva -- -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester
Received on Thu Oct 14 23:28:28 1999

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