Re: PUFF the magic G08, lived, by the sea...

From: Mark A. Jenison <>
Date: Tue Oct 19 1999 - 16:59:40 EDT

Mark Jenison

On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, Mark E Davidson wrote:

> Ok ive just found out how the G08 monitor got its bad reputation. Before
> I begin , this may be a bit long and my questions are scattered in
> between, sorry in advance.
> I have had in my possession 2 Star Trek machines. One dedicated and one
> is a converted Asteroids. One has no monitor and the other monitor
> worked but was "flaky". I also picked up a dedicated Space Fury three
> weeks ago that also developed monitor problems as is was shipped across
> the country, so the time came for some cap kits. The 110 cap kit that
> Zanen sells is really off, in its selection of components. First, I’m
> not real happy with the lower voltage caps supplied in the high voltage
> area and what is with the deflection transistors? The original
> transistors were MJS0003 but replaced with 2N6259 in the revision 03
> monitor. Unfortunately, these are no longer made but NTE does cross
> reference the 2N6259 to the modern transistor NTE388. The Zanen kit
> comes with 2N3716. ????!!?? Is the really suitable? I also was amazed
> how cool these transistors run. Very cool to the touch unlike the WG
> monitors.

Do not use the 2N6259s...also, some caps are incorrect (as you have
found out).

> Anyway, The caping of the monitors fixed the Space Fury monitor but
> didn’t change the Star Trek monitor. I suspected that there is a failing
> Fly back in the Star Trek as the picture fuzzes out and I think I can
> here arcing (although I don’t see arcing) in the HV area. To prove this
> out, I swapped out the HV unit with a spare and the HV problem went
> away.
> I wanted to test both my Star Treks so I put the working monitor into
> the converted ST and the picture was just gorgeous. But when I put it
> back in the dedicated ST I noticed I have no blue???!!? I was poking
> around when I heard the sizzle of burning parts and that familiar smell
> of burning parts… Even the deflection transistor fan quit. Any one ever
> had a similar G08 experience?
> Dont get me wrong, The loss of blue had nothing to do with the frying
> of the monitor. This game has other problem as well like no sound
> (though it did partially work when I picked it up).
> Ill be ripping out the deflection board tomorrow but if anyone has any
> comments.. I’m listening.

No other comments accept:

Contains an FAQ for the Electrohome G08 has been helpful
to some people, but needs more contributions from the gurus...
Received on Tue Oct 19 16:13:48 1999

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