> Nice! Now someone give this man a G-08 so we can see what their max
> frequency is. Im sure
> it isn't all that greater than the 6100 tho. From what I remember the G-08
> is the
> 'fastest' of the XY monitors so the replacement monitor should be designed
> to keep up with
> the Sega XY games as well?
There were some specs in at least one of the Atari vector monitor manuals
describing the input frequency range. I thought is was 7.5KHz, but I could
be wrong. It may have been in the B/W manual-- I seem to remember
"borrowing" that data point for color monitors. (Under the assumption that
since every color game I hooked up to a B/W looked fine, the B/W must be a
superset of the Color X/Y specs at least as far as deflection was
From programming the Sega Multigame menu (using a WG6100 as a display) I
figured out that the WG6100 is capable of slewing about 1/2 of the screen
width "instantaneously". (Which makes sense, 'cause that's how the AVG
operates.) If you try to instantly position the beam any farther than 1/2
sceen the beam won't locate and stabilize fast enough. It's kind-of a gross
measure, but I'd guess the G-08 is capable of slewing about twice as fast as
the WG6100-- so maybe 10KHz working from Mendel's data?
> Mendel Pearl wrote:
> >
> > I have done a simple test too see what maximum frequency the WG6100
> amplifiers
> > can operate until they start to phase shift or decay.
> > I connected a sine generator to both inputs and input a 8V t/t wave, so
> the
> > display showed a straight, 45 degree slanted line.
> > When I increased the freqency, the display started to distort at about
> 5Khz.
> > (the straight line became more circular).
> > At 10 kHz it was almost a full circle (90 degree phase shift).
> >
> > Does this mean it is not nessesary to create an amp which can amplify
> signals up
> > to 100kHz since the original seems to fail at 5kHz?
> >
> > Just my 2 cents.
> > Cya!
Received on Fri Nov 5 12:26:21 1999
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