Re: Amplifone HV probs/Thank you John Robertson

From: Noel Johnson <>
Date: Thu Nov 18 1999 - 00:10:16 EST

Dan Todd wrote:
> I would suggest you shut it down. Invest in a new transformer. I went through
> the red transformer thing a month ago. Lessoned learned. Red is Dead or will be
> very soon. I finally got a red transformer working after a half dozen voltage
> regulators and then it only lasted for 4 days. I thougt is was great I missed
> the $200 bullet and then had to get a new t-former anyway after wasting my time
> and parts. Never bothered to test the last 4 red transformers I still have
> just my $.02
> Dan

Thanks Dan, I hear (and for the most part agree with) what you're
saying! :-) In fact, Gregg Woodcock had similar thoughts. He said the
only red one he ever got working lasted about a week. :-(

A few thoughts/questions though:

1.) What kills these things? Was it time (shelf life) or usage (actual
game "on" time) or a combination of the two? My working red was on a HV
pcb that had been dropped/crushed. It was bent about 30 degrees to one
side, cracking the pcb and breaking one of the tiny coil wires where it
was soldered to the HV base plate. My desperate hope was that this
occured very early in the life on the flyback and that it has very few
actual hours on it. But if shelf life also kills these babies, I may be
wasting my time.

2.) I already own a Wintron (new and still in box), and this week I
traded for a couple of HV pcbs, one of which has a Penn Tran unit on
it. I also received what is claimed to be a "NOS" red flyback (although
it doesn't really look it - pins appear to have had solder on them).
The pcb with the penn tran has been raided for a couple of transistors,
so I am gonna hold off on testing it until I receive my LOPT tester this

3.) I have a new theory of repairs. "if it ain't broke, don't fix
it." Up until recently I only fixed games that were already working (go
figure), and this got expensive and very frustrating cause they usually
stopped working alltogether after being subjected to my ham-fisted
techniques. :-( Now, if it's working I would prefer to use it until it
stops working and then "shell out" for repairs. So far all I have is
about an hour repair time in the working HV and I see no reason to quit
until I am pulling my hair out and cussing cause it's broken "X" times
in one week. Then and only then can I get the appropriate level of
satisfaction from this hobby. :-)

4.) Lastly, I must admit it's kinda neat having a working red (BTW
Jess: serial number is UR00883, XY number 07736), when so many have
given up! It's about time I had one unique thing in my collection!
Even if it only lasts a week. :-(

Have a good one,
Received on Wed Nov 17 23:13:10 1999

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