On Thu, 25 Nov 1999 01:28:21 -0800 (PST), Adam Wiggins <adam@angel.com> wrote:
> I'm messing around with programming a vector monitor directly. I'm not
>very knowledgable about hardware, so I'm doing it all in software.
>However, I've encountered a problem which could probably be answered by
>knowing how vector game hardware works, and I assume there's a few people
>that know about that sort of thing on this mailing list. :)
>The question is: when drawing a line segment, how does one achieve a
>smooth, perfectly straight, unbroken line between points? I can do it on
>the vertical and horizontal axis, but when I want to draw a diagonal I
>have to regulate the velocity of the beam myself. I do this by breaking
>the line up into an arbitrary number of segments and plotting each point
>incrementally according to y = mx + b.
>This works, but unfortunately it's not very pretty. If I don't pause at
>each point, I get little bends and curves in the line that make it look
>sort of wiggly. If I do pause, it exhibits little breaks along its length
>(which, I've noticed, look almost exactly like the vector lines in
>Asteriods Deluxe).
>Is there a trick to this that I'm missing? I've tried a large number of
>different subdivisions and delay constants, none of which seem to make too
>much of a difference.
>Any insights would be much appreciated.
Hey Adam,
You need to give us a little more description on what hardware you are
programming. The title says "vectorbeam hardware". Does this mean you're
programming a full Vectorbeam system (Star Castle, etc.)? Or have you connected
some other CPU to a Vectorbeam monitor? Or are you using "vectorbeam" as a
generic term for vector programming?
Each vector system works differently. You'll have to explain which system you
are using, and I'm sure someone will have some answers.
Received on Thu Nov 25 14:26:15 1999
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