Asteroids cocktail troubles..

From: Andy Welburn <>
Date: Sun Nov 28 1999 - 01:42:07 EST

hi all,

 I met a bloke today with an asteroids table that he bought some time ago
which developed a fault, and only now has found someone (ie me ;) to sort it

The problem is, that the playfield is like one metre, by one metre, and the
monitor is only showing a small portion (the middle) of the playfield. When
he purchased it, it was fine, but after transporting it this happened.. the
game still plays fine of course, but you can see very little :)

Now, I'm assuming a monitor problem here, could it be a case of bad caps, or
a dry-joint that has now just become evident?

Would a cap kit solve the problem?

or should i be looking in the direction of the board for the errors?

I'm competant enough to do a cap kit, or transistor replacement if needed, i
hope it's just a quick fix, and i'm assuming it may be a problem someone on
this list has encountered before..

if so, please let me know in which direction to concentrate my efforts! :)

many thanks..
Andy Welburn - Collector Of Fine Video Game Antiquities
Atari Battlezone AVG and AUX Game Logic Boards
Received on Sun Nov 28 17:21:08 1999

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