Troubleshooting Cinematronics Sound Cards

From: Matt Rossiter - Verio Southern California <>
Date: Tue Nov 30 1999 - 14:23:33 EST

I have a bunch of Star Castle sound cards that I'd like to get working
right. I'm using a Kurz Kasch test fixture to do it. Basically, it
supplies +/- 25v and +5v to the sound card and also has a ribbon connector
which goes to J2. With the test fixture you can push certain buttons to
produce certain sounds like fire, thrust, etc. I guess it just inverts
whatever signals turn on or off the various sounds.

I have an 8 ohm speaker hooked to the board, but what I can't figure out
is - I can't get any sound to come out. I do hear a hum, and I verified
that the speaker is connected to the right pins. The J2 ribbon connector
seems to be on right.

Has any one ever used the Kurz Kasch test fixture (309AC) to fix
Cinematroncs sound cards?



                              V E R I O
             Orange County . Los Angeles . San Diego

Matthew J. Rossiter email:
Customer Services Engineer
8001 Irvine Center Drive Phone: 800.273.5600
Suite 1200 Phone: 949.450.8400
Irvine, CA 92618-2934 Fax: 949.450.8410
                                   24 hour Tech Support: 888.306.4638
Received on Tue Nov 30 13:22:14 1999

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