Step right up, step right up! have I got a deal for you! ;-)
Ok, this is a blatant "forsale" post, but I'm going to sell these quite
cheap and they are really nice for working on vector boards (or most any
other boards) so I hope nobody minds...
I wound up with a bunch of PACE MBT solder/desolder stations. They look
like: <>
They seem to be an albino version of the current PACE MBT 201:
So, bad news first: They don't have the PS-80 soldering iron or the SX-70
solder extractor. If you need to buy those new they're $99 and $199
respectively from PACE USA.
But, good news second: I'm going to sell these base stations for $75.00
each. $10 shipping (they're heavy!) and for an extra $5 I'll include the
little soldering-iron holders that go with them (different from the picture
at the PACE website, but they're functional).
Even if you have to buy a new PS-80 and SX-70 your total would be around
$400. Since an MBT-201A is $825 new from Jensen Tools that's probably still
a good deal (basically half price).
The catch: I'll test these to make sure the heaters and vacuum pump works,
but that's all. You'll have to clean stickers and crap off them and
probably have to live with some scratches and dings on the case. I'm not
100% sure how many will test out OK, but I think I have 9 total which I'm
guessing will yield about 6 fully functional ones. I'll probably sell
"sick" ones cheaper since you can still buy replacement parts from PACE to
make a good one if anyone's interested.
(I was going to clean these up and eBay them, but I have 20 other projects
I'd rather do, and Tara's getting tired of them sitting in the entry-way of
the house. ;-)
Toss me an e-mail if you're interested (
<> preferred), and I'll test them tonight and confirm
availability on a first-come first-served basis. No quantity discounts,
P.S. I have a stack of marquees I need to sell too. Includes really nice
Star Trek, Omega Race, Armor Attack and non-vector ones. 11 total, all for
$100 plus shipping. E-mail if you'd like to see pictures.
Received on Wed Dec 1 14:26:48 1999
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