Have I been in the woods or what?

From: Tek <mypearl_at_dds.nl>
Date: Wed Dec 01 1999 - 15:54:47 EST

You know the game: a game board (ofcourse would this be an Atari vector
again...:) ) is broken, has the weirdest video effects.

You start to do the regular job; poking around with a scope and
You cannot seem to find the fault, this must be again a problem nobody
ever saw before and it probably is a comination of the most unlikely
things to happen (bacause this board belongs to you ofcourse)...

Then someday I read somewhere that yuo could be SURE a TTL IC (gosh, is
there anyting else in Tempest :) is GOOD as soon as it reads normal
junction drop from the ground pin to any other!

Have I been very stupid by not knowing this or what? I wouldn't mind if
this was true... :)

This is where you can read about it:

Cya !
Received on Wed Dec 1 14:57:06 1999

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