Re: Selling Items on VL

From: Cris Rhea <>
Date: Thu Dec 02 1999 - 14:44:36 EST

> I was actually thinking of doing exactly that. Initially, I would
> subscribe everybody who is subscribed to the vectorlist, and people who
> want to could unsubscribe at their leisure.
> In that case, the vectorlist policy would be changed to a more
> objective, "No For Sale/WTB. Period."
> Opinions?
> Joe

Personally, I think splitting the list into two for this purpose is a
waste of time, but if the "hard core, no sales" folks want it that way- fine.

I, for one, appreciate the FS/WTB posts from others in the group because
historically, the postings HAVE been related to vector games.

I also appreciate the tight-knit group- if I purchase something from someone
on vectorlist, I trust that it will be as advertised....

 Cristopher J. Rhea
Received on Thu Dec 2 13:44:52 1999

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