Need info on Quantum cabinet

From: Alan J McCormick <>
Date: Fri Dec 03 1999 - 01:36:57 EST

After playing Quantum at Videotopia and over at Jeff Hendrix's place
(thanks again for letting me drop by on short notice), I'm considering
building a replica Quantum cabinet.

I already have most of the hardware (pcb, marquee, Amplifone, trakball,
buttons, a coindoor assy from a SD, etc). I don't have a CP, PS (but I
have a lead on one), artwork or cabinet.

Since there probably isn't an intact Quantum machine within a 8 hour
drive of Madison, I have to ask here.

I have my Space Duel cab for reference. I know SD has more speakers but
that's all that I could glean from comparing the operator manuals. Are
the outside physical dimensions the same?

I seem to remember the monitor cutout in my SD looked like it could
handle a vertical monitor but is this the same as a Quantum cab?

I would like to get this "new" cab as close to the genuine article as
possible so when somebody starts reproducing Quantum art at non-eBay
prices, I can slap some on and be happy.

I assume the cab is similar to most Atari cabs (plywood bottom, 3/4"
particle board sides & top, 3/4" mahogany firring strips joining the
sides, etc)


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Received on Fri Dec 3 00:57:05 1999

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